#1 Summary
topThrough this tab it is possible to perform the record operation “rollback” of the Delivery Note restoring the situation before the same operation. In this tab header there are some search filters which enable the user to select operations filtering per unload number (From…To…), DN unload date (From…To…), DN number (From…TO…).
Results can be viewed within the grid on the upper section of window, called “Delivery Notes Unload”, where it is possible to view the record operation number, the date on which it has been performed and the related user. By selecting a line of this grid it is possible to view, below the mask, the unloaded Delivery Notes (in “DN” tab, where it is possible to view also Year, DN Type, DN Description, Numbr, DN Date), as well as the related stock records that have been automatically generated by the unload of the selected delivery note into DN tab (in “Rec.” Tab where it is possible to view also warehouse, warehouse template, stock record number and date, subcontractor and document, document date and offet record data, if available).
The following buttons on the ribbon bar are necessary in order to perform the rollback operations with different modalities.
Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR:
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013